Sylhet College List 2024 [Govt, Private, Top 10, 20]

Sylhet College List 2024 [Govt, Private, Top 10, 20]

For the convenience of students today we have provided Sylhet Board College List in this post. So if you want you can easily check our Sylhet college list from here. The list of govt and private colleges list is published in the form of images and pdf files.

As you already know that SSC Result 2024 has been declared on 28th July. So now students are looking for various information online for class 11 admission.

So let us tell them that all the information related to college admission is provided regularly on our website. So if you want, you can visit our website regularly and see all the activities for admission to class 11.

Sylhet College List 2024

This year 20 lakh 21 thousand 868 candidates participated in the SSC examination all over Bangladesh. Out of which 16 lakh 41 thousand 140 students have passed. A large number of these students are now waiting for college admissions.

Let us tell you that from 10 August 2024, the application for admission will be started online on the website So you can apply for admission through this website from 10 am onwards.

Usually, like every year, this year too, the admission process of class XI will be completed through the website Colleges are selected based on your results and guide the students for admission.

top 30 college in sylhet

But a student can select minimum five and maximum 10 colleges. So many students of Sylhet board don’t know which college is best in Sylhet. So for you today in this post we have given top 30 college in sylhet.

একাদশ শ্রেণীর ভর্তি বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩

Based on which you can select the college of your choice and provide the correct name of the college while applying online. For you this college list is published in image and pdf file form.

So it can be said that this post of ours is very important for you. So I would say that we read this post carefully from start to finish. Then you can check your college list from here.

Sylhet all government college list

Since you are looking for sylhet all government college list. So this post is done for you now we are going to provide Sylhet Board Govt College List. As a result of which you will find the college of your choice.

Sylhet College List 2024

In 2024, the number of seats for the 11th class admission for the students who passed the SSC examination is about 25 lakh. So you will definitely get admission in any college. Download now Sylhet board government college list from below.

Sylhet Cadet College, Jalalabad Cantonment Public School And College, Sylhet MC College, Sylhet Govt. College, Sylhet Govt. Women’s College, Sreemangal Govt. College, Moulvibazar Govt College, Sunamganj Govt. Women’s College, The Buds Residential Model School and College, Brindaban Govt College.

Sylhet private college list

Many academics try to get admission in private colleges. So you often search Sylhet private college list online. Sylhet Board Private College List is provided for you in this post

অনলাইনে কলেজে ভর্তির আবেদন নিয়ম

Since Sylhet Board Government and Private College List is provided on our website, apply for admission in the college of your choice from 10th August onwards.

In addition, let us inform the students that this year the admission fee for class 11th admission is fixed at 8000 taka. Hope you have already downloaded Sylhet Board’s government and private college list from our website.

Final Result BD

Welcome to Final Result BD website. All updated information related to schools, colleges and universities are regularly provided on this website.